Articles with tag: «planning»

    Personnel management
  • 2021 № 8 Regional features of the provision of medical personnel in Russia

    The article analyzes the regional features of the provision of medical personnel in Russia in the context of various subjects and federal districts.
    P u r p o s e of the study is to analyze the features of staffing of medical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in modern conditions and the main directions of policy to improve the staffing situation at the regional level.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . According to the official statistics, an analysis of the staffing of medical and paramedical personnel was carried out in the context of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; in the course of the study, methods were used such as: analytical, statistical, study and generalization of experience.
    R e s u l t s . The analysis showed that the provision of doctors and the provision of emergency medical services for different regions of the Russian Federation is different. The lowest values of the indicator of the provision of doctors in 2019 were recorded in the Ural FD, the Southern FD and the North Caucasian FD, while in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation the most pronounced tendency towards a decrease in the level of provision nursing staff was noted in Moscow, Tyumen region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Republic of Kalmykia, Udmurt Republic, as well as in Yaroslavl, Murmansk, Novgorod and Kirov regions, which emphasizes the need to take appropriate management measures, both at the local and federal levels.
    F i n d i n g s . The existing imbalance in the country between the provision of the population with doctors and nurses in various regions (the difference between low and high rates is more than 2.3 times), as well as between the provision of medical workers in the city and rural areas is the main problem of staffing the system. To overcome this situation, further implementation of new measures of social support and moral incentives for medical personnel in Russia is required.

    Authors: Zagoruychenko A. A. [8] Karpova O. B. [5]

    Tags: health workforce2 medical personnel7 planning3 staffing11

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  • 2020 № 3 Planning working time in the activities of heads of nursing services

    The article presents the results of the analysis of the practice of using working time by the heads of nursing services of outpatient medical organizations providing primary health care. The data obtained will help the chief and senior nurses of health organizations to optimize professional activities in the management of nursing personnel by improving the organization of work processes and increasing the effectiveness of nursing work. Given the fact that organizational problems that impede the rationalization of managerial work, identified during the study, are mostly universal, the proposed recommendations can be used in the management of managers – health managers of any level and profile of medical activity working in state and non-state medical organizations any legal form.

    Authors: T.  G.  Svetlichnaja [1] E.  A.  Smirnova [1] Z.  B.  Tasova [1] O.  D.  Poshekhonova [1]

    Tags: nurses6 nursing  managers1 planning3 time  management.1 working hours2

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  • Hr management
  • 2013 № 9 Employment of medical staff for provision of first medical aid in the frames of territorial programs of state guarantees (Region state organization of healthcare «Bureau of medical statistics », Tomsk, Russia)

    In connection with the improvement of the health care system of the Russian Federation become actual problems of efficiency of use of available human resources and their planning. The basis of the health care system is the program of state guarantees of providing free medical care to the population (Federal and under construction on the basis of it region programs), so it is of paramount importance staff planning for the implementation of the size of the program. In the article the author considers the experience of use of the races, the couple needs for medical personnel in the Tomsk region, according to the «Methodology of calculation of needs of the subjects of the Russian Federation for medical personnel», developed by FSBO «CSRIOIH» of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation. Shows the main advantages and complexity of the methodology, the authors make proposals for its improvement.

    Authors: Nesvetaylo N. Y. [1] Shibalkov I. P. [8]

    Tags: calculation1 demands1 medical staff7 methodology5 planning3

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