All articles by Nesvetaylo N. Y.
2013 № 9 Employment of medical staff for provision of first medical aid in the frames of territorial programs of state guarantees (Region state organization of healthcare «Bureau of medical statistics », Tomsk, Russia)
In connection with the improvement of the health care system of the Russian Federation become actual problems of efficiency of use of available human resources and their planning. The basis of the health care system is the program of state guarantees of providing free medical care to the population (Federal and under construction on the basis of it region programs), so it is of paramount importance staff planning for the implementation of the size of the program. In the article the author considers the experience of use of the races, the couple needs for medical personnel in the Tomsk region, according to the «Methodology of calculation of needs of the subjects of the Russian Federation for medical personnel», developed by FSBO «CSRIOIH» of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation. Shows the main advantages and complexity of the methodology, the authors make proposals for its improvement.