Articles with tag: «nursing  managers»

    Personnel management
  • 2020 № 3 Planning working time in the activities of heads of nursing services

    The article presents the results of the analysis of the practice of using working time by the heads of nursing services of outpatient medical organizations providing primary health care. The data obtained will help the chief and senior nurses of health organizations to optimize professional activities in the management of nursing personnel by improving the organization of work processes and increasing the effectiveness of nursing work. Given the fact that organizational problems that impede the rationalization of managerial work, identified during the study, are mostly universal, the proposed recommendations can be used in the management of managers – health managers of any level and profile of medical activity working in state and non-state medical organizations any legal form.

    Authors: T.  G.  Svetlichnaja [1] E.  A.  Smirnova [1] Z.  B.  Tasova [1] O.  D.  Poshekhonova [1]

    Tags: nurses5 nursing  managers1 planning3 time  management.1 working hours2

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