Blood collection during the period of COVID-19 infection
Published: 2020-09-02
We searched Google Trends using terms in Russian and English: “coronavirus”, “blood transfusion”, “plasma transfusion”, “donate blood”. Object of study – requests submitted from February 15 to May 25, 2020 in the world, Russia and the USA. Anomalous increase in demand in the USA was revealed corresponding to the booming demand for plasma donors – convalescents of COVID-19: a) for “plasma transfusion” – March 30 – May 2, b) for “donate blood” March 17 – April 7. The studied Russian Google Trends indicators correspond to the reliable work of the blood service, which during the pandemic period solved the main task to provide hospitals with effective and safe components of donated blood. These data provide additional evidence of differences in the scientific validity of blood services in developed countries, and show that Google Trends can serve as a tool to track trends in blood donation.