Articles with tag: «public health»
2017 № 3 Organizational telemedicine
Scientific bases of organizational telemedicine as a new direction of application of information and telecom- munication technologies in the system of citizens’ health protection are developed. The terminology, principles and role of telemedicine in the field of organization of public health and public health are defined. The advantages of using organizational telemedicine for improving the organization of medical care in the system of national and departmental health of the Russian Federation are shown. A new view of telemedicine as a tool for maneuvering health resources is proposed for the rapid change in the volume and level of medical care in the interests of a broad contingent of the population. The integrative role of organizational telemedicine in the integrated application of various information technologies in health care is shown
2016 № 1 Virtual Clinic: absentee counseling and individual route planning patient.
The article deals with the change of order in the regional referral hospital in the implementation of the information system «virtual clinic», as well as e prerequisite for the development of the system and the results of the work.
2020 № 2 Evaluation of innovations for healthcare
Actuality : evaluation system for healthsaving technologies innovation level development is defined by need of innovative healthcare development strategy implementation and insufficient definition of innovative healthcare technologies criteria. Implementation of new healthcare technologies into systemic healthsaving requires managerial decision making support for innovations integration.
Goal: healthsaving technologies innovation level multicriteria evaluation scientific approval and development.
Materials and methods: program includes systemic and content analysis, expert evaluation, analytical and statistical methods. Working with Public Health experts focus group three steps algorithm was used. Excel based data processing was performed with indicative indicators and indicative space calculation.
Results: healthsaving technologies innovative level multicriteria analysis method was designed. Method novelty consists of first time introduced for healthcare innovative level criteria, expert card and evaluation algorithm. Healthsaving technologies final evaluation indicative indicators and space were calculated as a base for managerial decision choice support for their integration.
Conclusion presented evaluation scale allows medical technologies ranging according to needs of solutions for certain tasks. -
2020 № 2 Informatization in public health: from standards to expert systems
According to the updated requirements of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the main document regulating the treatment and diagnostic process are clinical recommendations. The guidelines for clinical recommendations, based on the results of randomized trials, determine the doctor’s actions when making a diagnosis, and choosing a rational treatment. However, the rudimentary format for the placement of information on paper significantly limits their operation. The capabilities of IT technologies allow integrating clinical recommendations into the structure of expert systems. On the example of the expert system “Treatment of chronic heart failure” the possibilities and prospects of informatization of the diagnostic process are presented.