Articles with tag: «agile»
2017 № 3 Reengineering of public health system, based on a person-centered model, hybrid project management approaches and methods of artificial intelligence
The paper considers new approaches of public health emerging on the platform of the technological revolution of information systems. The authors describe the key methods of managerial, technological and mathe- matical interaction with the collective information infrastructure of the healthcare system that will bring qualitative changes in the near future and will form the basis of a digital society, digital economy and public health of a new type. The methods are considered from the point of view of their influence on the formation of new approaches in the process of the economic and social transformation of waves of innovation. The model of the person-centered health care system and the forecast of its impact on the subject area are presented, the advantages of the new model are summarized and the agile project management approaches to its implementation in the current stage of development are presented.