Information technologies for the Physician 2015 #3
Published: 2015-03-09
Information System for Managing Treatment and Diagnostic Processes in the Central Clinical Hospital of the Federal Customs Service of Russia As an Example for Building an Integrated Healthcare Information System in a Multi-Field Clinic.
The paper is devoted to designing and implementing an integrated healthcare information system in the Central Clinical Hospital of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. This paper is particularly useful for specialists involved in computerization of healthcare facilities, HIS developers and users, undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Patient identification bracelets as an instrument of patient safety improvement Terminology and Standardization.
Appropriate patient identification is one of the patient safety goals and important part of patient safety in hospitals. In this articles advantages and disadvantages of information technologies implementation for patient identification process are analyzed. Experience of successful implementation of patient identification bracelets is discussed.
Implementation of a data exchange protocol for a HIS –LIS data exchange.
The paper presents the results of the implementation of a data exchange protocol. The protocol is based on the Representational State Transfer methodology. It allows automating a data exchange process between a hospital and a laboratory information system (HIS–LIS). The protocol covers all the steps of the process from order definition to the receiving the results of a test.
Experience the formalization of processes and the formation of functional equirements for medical information system of health care institutions in the field of transfusion.
The paper presents the main challenges and trends in the development of information technology in health care. Described international and Russian experience of standardization and systematization of the requirements for the formalization and quality processes as health care and with the introduction and in their information systems. As an example of the approach to the formalization of processes and the formation of functional requirements for medical information systems is the implementation and formalization of requirements separation Transfusion of «Federal Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named Dmitry Rogachev» Russian Ministry of health.
Wearable devices of microelectronics as the basis of biofeedback system «TsifroMed» in aviation and aerospace.
This article presents a systematic approach to the creation of web-services digital health system in the aviation and aerospace based on methods and techniques of biofeedback (BFB), and discusses the historical background of biofeedback technologies. The focus of this work is aimed at the architecture of information system «TsifroMed» which after its implementation will enable the real-time monitor the health of flight crews and air traffic controllers (ie, it is the users of the system, on which depends the safety of flight).
Estimation of perspectives of t medical robotics developmenin Russia in the projection of the patent analysis.
There was analysed the publication and patent activity with regard to two actively developing areas in the field of medical robototronics: robots-exoskeletons for rehabilitation of people with muscoloskeletal disorders and robot-assisted surgery. There was identified discrepancy in the structure of global and national publication and patent flows. There were revealed disadvantages of foreign innovations on robot-assisted surgery, which create prerequisites for promoting import-substituting innovations of domestic engineers.
Register rare chronic lung disease in children.
The article addresses the problem of the computer monitoring of rare (orphan) diseases of the lungs in children. Creating a computer register allows you to monitor and optimize patient monitoring systems with different rare bronchopulmonary diseases, organize rare form of chronic lung disease in children to determine their course of modern features of the dynamics of the disease and prognosis of various therapeutic effects. Register creates the conditions for the analysis of the main causes of diagnostic errors at various stages of specialized medical care, which improves the effectiveness of treatment. The article describes the structure and functions of the register are presented on-screen form.
Endocrinology doctors Runet complex medical resources.
The article analyzes general medicine Russian tongue INTERNET resources that might be used in practical and self-educational activity of endocrinology doctors. Such resources are used by the doctors not as intensively as special field web-resources. Thereafter complex resources contain significant amount of information which may turn out to be helpful for endocrinologists.
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Medical informational systems
It in diagnostics
Medical registers
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