Articles with tag: «medical and social factors»
2023 № 10 Development of prognostic matrices for assessing the degree of risk of physical development disorders of students of higher educational institutions.
The most significant medical and social factors served as the basis for the development of appropriate prognostic matrices in order to obtain objective and comparable indicators of the prevalence of signs, in this case, the development of deficiency or excess body weight among students. The presented tables indicate risk factors that may affect the level of a quantitatively predicted phenomenon, through the gradation of the significance of relative risk factors. These prognostic matrices allow us to assess the impact of biomedical, socio-hygienic, behavioral factors on the formation of disorders in the health of students, including physical development in a pandemic, provide an individual approach, are the basis for a program of medical and social prevention of violations in the physical development of students
at the personal and collective levels.