Focus of problem
  • 2021 № 8 Study of quality of life related to health in patients with COVID19 on the first day of admission to hospital

    The COVID‑19 pandemic has resulted in exceptional social disruption and consequent changes in quality of life. Assessment of the health-related quality of life in patients infected with the SARS-CoV‑2 (2019-nCoV) virus in a covid hospital is an urgent public health issue that affects the organization of medical care processes and the planning of rehabilitation programs.
    Purpose of the study is to determine the level of health-related quality of life in patients with COVID‑19 on the first day of inpatient treatment for comparison with pre-pandemic norms and planning targeted rehabilitation programs.
    Materials and methods. A study of the quality of life was carried out using the EuroQol EQ‑5D‑5L questionnaire assessing the Index EQ and EQ VAS indicators. Using the method of simple random sampling, the data of patients were collected for three sets having following features: “Both sexes”, “Men”, “Women”. The analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics methods.
    Results. The indicators of health-related quality of life in patients with COVID‑19 on the first day after admission are lower than the pre-pandemic population norms for Moscow residents according to Index EQ by 20%, according to EQ VAS by 29%, on average. Women have more health limitations than men in all EQ‑5D‑5L domains, which is proportionally lower than population norms. In 3,7% of patients on admission to the hospital, the type of quality of life corresponded to “a condition worse than death”, which was practically not observed in the pre-pandemic period in Moscow residents. The greatest losses are observed in the “Self-Care” and “Mobility” domains, both for men and women. On admission to the hospital, no differences were found in the pre-pandemic and pandemic levels of health limitations in the “Anxiety/Depression” domain.
    Conclusions. The results of the study can be used by specialists from various branches to plan clinical, service, educational, economic, and other public health programs related to the rehabilitation of patients who have had COVID‑19. And it also represents an indispensable additional material for further sociological and clinical research.

    Authors: Tsaranov K. N. [11] Tarbastaev A. G. [9] Ayupova I. I. [3] Protsenko D. N. [3]

    Tags: covid-1928 eq vas3 eq‑5d‑5l3 gbuz “city hospital no. 40 dzm”1 hrqol3 index eq2 kommunarka3 quality of life8 sars-cov‑2 (2019-ncov)3

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  • 2022 № 9 Health related quality of life as a predictor of the transfer of patients with COVID‑19 to the intensive care unit

    Understanding the results of self-assessment of health-related quality of life in patients with COVID‑19 is an important part of the full and objective picture of the medical condition on the first day of hospitalization when making decisions to start early intensive care in the resuscitation and intensive care unit.
    H y p o t h e s i s : the values of health-related quality of life indicators in patients with COVID‑19 on the first day of hospitalization are interrelated with the fact of their stay in the resuscitation and intensive care unit.
    P u r p o s e : a retrospective study of the relationship of health-related quality of life in patients with COVID‑19 on the first day of hospitalization and the necessity of treatment in the resuscitation and intensive care unit.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The study was conducted on the basis of the “Kommunarka” Moscow Multidisciplinary Clinical Center of the Moscow City Health Department from March 2021 to April 2022. Data collection was carried out using a paper- and-pencil Russian version of the EQ‑5D‑5L questionnaire (Tracking Number: 41183). Additional patient data was extracted from electronic medical records. Two types of EQ‑5D‑5L questionnaire results were evaluated: the EQ index and the visual-analogEQ scale. All calculations of the regression model were carried out using the language R4.2.1 in the software environment RStudio 2022.02.3 Build 492.
    F i n d i n g s . This study is the first work where health-related quality of life indicators measured during the first 24 hours of hospitalization in order to predict the transfer of patients with COVID‑19 to the intensive care unit. The best results of self-assessment of their medical condition in the course of hospitalization were revealed in those patients who did not require further treatment in the intensive care unit. The worst results of self-assessment of their medical condition were revealed in lethal patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit on the first day. Two logistic regression models demonstrated a significant relationship of the EQ Index and the Mobility domain with the probability of transferring patients to the intensive care unit. The results obtained prove that subjective indicators of health-related quality of life reflecting the perception of one’s illness “here and now” along with objective clinical indicators are independent predictors of the transfer of patients with COVID‑19 to the resuscitation and intensive care unit.
    C o n c l u s i o n . Health-related quality of life indicators (EQ Index and MO) can be used to predict the early use of preventive measures to prevent the deterioration of patients’ condition and reduce the load on the intensive care unit

    Authors: Kobyakova O. S. [16] Tsaranov K. N. [11] Tarbastaev A. G. [9] Tyufilin D. S. [3] Ayupova I. I. [3] Protsenko D. N. [3]

    Tags: covid-1928 eq index1 eq vas3 eq‑5d‑5l3 health-related quality of life1 hrqol3 icu1 kommunarka3 sars-cov‑2 (2019-ncov)3

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  • Sociology of healthcare
  • 2022 № 2 Adaptation and initial reliability testing of the Russian-language version of the safety attitudes questionnaire for medical organizations

    The article presents the results of adaptation and initial reliability testing of the Russian version of the safety attitudes questionnaire (SAQ) for medical organizations. The reliability of using the questionnaire has been proven: all scales have high internal consistency and correlate with original factors. Using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, the features of the seven-factor structure of the Russian version of the questionnaire are shown: 1. teamwork climate; 2. safety climate; 3. job satisfaction; 4. stress recognition; 5. perceptions of management (department level); 6. perceptions of management (hospital level); 7. working conditions.

    Authors: Khayrullin I. I. [7] Tsaranov K. N. [11] Tarbastaev A. G. [9] Klimova E. M. [3] Protsenko D. N. [3] Rakhmatullin R. E. [3] Kononov A. N. [1]

    Tags: adaptation of the questionnaire1 approbation of the questionnaire1 confirmatory and factor analysis1 medical organizations23 safety attitude1

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