All articles by O. V. Obukhova
2019 № 5 Providing income activities as a conscious necessary for functioning of the state (municipal) medical providers
Realization of the rights of citizens to health care and medical care free of charge, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, carried out by state and municipal health care institutions «… at the expense of the relevant budget, insurance premiums and other income». Analysis of the dynamics of the volume of financial sources for 2014–2017 showed a significant increase in revenues of medical organizations, which are state budgetary institutions, funds from income-gener- ating activities.
The article describes the main financial sources that a medical organization – a state (municipal) institution may have for providing medical care, as well as for implementing the Program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens. The rationale for the insufficiency of public funds to ensure the necessary level of wages for medical workers is given on the example of comparing tariffs of the compulsory health insurance system and prices (tariffs) of private medical organizations in the city of Moscow.
The regulatory and legislative conditions for obtaining funds from various financial sources by a public institution are con- sidered, the relevance of developing measures to attract additional financial sources, which include revenues from providing paid medical services to the population, including through voluntary medical insurance, is justified. -
2020 № 3 The problems of paying for medical care provided to residents of other subjects of the Russian Federation within the framework of compulsory medical insurance
The legislation guarantees citizens the right to receive medical care under a compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) throughout the Russian Federation. But in some cases, in accordance with current legislation, a referral is required to receive medical care. This also applies to situations where a citizen receives medical care outside of the subject of the Russian Federation where the citizen is insured. The system of such referrals to medical organizations located in another region is more or less regulated only when they are sent to Federal medical organizations. The situation is further compounded by the fact that the Supreme court contrary to law, making decisions, actually leveling a direction. At the same time, payment for medical care provided outside the region in which the MHI policy is issued depends on the payment of this assistance from the Territorial Fund of this region. This leads to numerous delays in payment and, as a result, reduces the interest of medical organizations in providing medical care to "nonresidents". Patients suffer as a result. All this raises the question of the need to improve the current mechanism for conducting inter-territorial settlements in the MHI system.
2020 № 4 The effect of coronavirus Сovid-19 on the situation in Russian healthcare
The relatively slow initial rate of spread of COVID-19 coronavirus in Russia has its own objective reasons related to the size of the territory, population density, tourist activity of the population, etc. They have played a positive role in making it possible to better prepare for the fight against it, taking into account, among other things, the experience of countries where the rate and scale of the spread of the coronavirus was much higher.
Despite the serious damage to the economy, there are no global financial threats to health care yet. However, it is important that resources arrive in time to medical organizations in the context of large-scale conversion of beds, etc. Unavoidable periods of downtime during periods of re-profiling, being in standby mode, etc., lead to the fact that many medical organizations risk finding themselves in a difficult financial situation, even with sufficient resources in the industry. Therefore, at this stage, it is sometimes more important than serious financial infusions, and mechanisms aimed at com- pensating for the loss of income.