All articles by Loshakov L. A.
2019 № 2 The social significance of chronic hepatitis C drug treatment
The article presents epidemiological data on viral hepatitis, the burden of disease of this pathology and outlines the policy of the World Health Organization (WHO) to control it. A comparison of clinical recommendations on the pharmacotherapy of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) published by the WHO and some other international organizations, as well as adopted in Russia, were carried out. The main vector in the treatment of CHC currently is use of direct-acting antiviral medicines, providing the possibility of almost complete cure of this disease. Provision of the access to the modern pharmacotherapy for all patients in need is the priority in most countries, including Russia. The opportunity to eliminate CHC could have significant positive economic and social effects.
2018 № 6 Social significance of the use of medicines according to actual scientific data
Research rationale. The results of legislative changes in a healthcare system are reflected in social consequences based on indicators of achieving the treatment goals and the outcomes of diseases and, ultimately, the number of demographic and economic indicators. The scientific approach based on the data of high quality clinical, epidemiological, economical, and sociological researches is a tool to make a decision on the use of medicines that is implemented via normative documents. The urgent objective is to upgrade and harmonize these documents timely on the base of modern scientific achievements in order to obtain the most possible social outcome of pharmacotherapy of diseases.
Goal. To demonstrate social importance of the scientific approach to implementation of normative documents in the field of the use of medicines by the example of pharmacotherapy of various pathological conditions of high social significance.
Research methods. The general research methods (content-analysis, synthesis, generalization, formalization, etc) and the methods of comparative analysis are used. The current national and foreign normative documents, which regulate the use of medicines, were analyzed. Also analyzed are scientific publications in e-Library, Pubmed, Cochrane Library, Сlinicaltrials, Scopus databases and sites of biomedical journals on key queries reflecting the research topics.
Results. Results of implementation of the global programs on improving the efficiency of medicines use and the prospect proposals are presented by the authors of the article. These results will promote advancement of the normative documents which regulate the use of medicines, such as clinical recommendations, standards of medical care, manuals and guidelines on socially significant diseases treatment.
Conclusions. Translation of the relevant research data into a real clinical practice through improving the normative documents makes it possible to use fully the scientific outcomes for the benefit of population health in the country that brings health, social, and economic results.
Timely updating the normative documents in the field of the use of medicines is possible on the base of scientific analysis of current normative documents and publication on the outcomes of qualitative clinical researches with using the methodology for complex medicines assessment and, more generally, methodology for health technology assessment (HTA).
Organizational process of updating the normative documents can be carried out at various levels: national, regional, and local; while the local level provides more rapid implementation of the innovations in medical practice