Articles with tag: «effective»
2017 № 1 The experience of forming public dental service in a regional centre
The experience of formation of public dental service by combining dental clinics in the city with a population of over 400 thousand people in a single institution. Centralization has allowed to consolidate and flexible use of financial and material resources to optimize the management, improve the work efficiency of all services, further systematic and phased development of large-scale enterprises. Today it is a medical organization consisting of nine competitive branches-clinics that meet modern requirements for design, engineering, technology and staffing. The Association provides a full range of dental services in the compulsory health insurance system, LCA and cost accounting, quality assured, safety and comfort. Multifunctional structure of the Association, formed working relationships with regional and national academic and academic medical centers created the preconditions for the formation and further development of the clinic of the dental cluster in the region. Currently, the resource potential of enterprises has reached such a level that allows continuing the reference to centralization, to move to the next stage of its implementation – the policy of «centralized decentralization» – to the enterprises network dental micropolygons walking distance, as well as the development and implementation of major social projects in the field of prevention of dental diseases in children and adolescents.