All articles by Pavlov V. V.
2017 № 1 The organizational model is improving the examination of temporary disability in the city hospital
The article presents a model of organizational improvement examination of temporary disability, realized in the city hospital number 10 in Samara. The model is based on the organizational and methodological aspects and methodological approaches to quality control examination of temporary disability, which allows to take timely and instructive-methodological documents, raise the level of training, develop information support expertise of temporary disability, to ensure its quality control. As part of the organizational model to improve the organization of the examination of temporary disability from 2010 to 2013 increased quality of expertise of temporary disability. This reduces the number of defects, reduced the proportion of wrongly granted sick leave, increases the integral evaluation of the quality of care in terms of the model of end results of activity of temporary disability examination services in the city hospital from 0.75 in 2010 to 0.85 in 2013.
2013 № 10 Modeling outcomes in the management of health care quality (Самарский государственный медицинский университет, г. Самара, Россия)
Outcome model as a method of assessing the quality management system of care includes indicators of performance, regulatory parameters and values of the scale for assessing performance. Creating a system of evaluation of health care institutions on the basis of the formation of the final results of models used for the analysis of all the organizations, including outpatient and inpatient. Using the principle of constructing a model of the final results of the activities of the hospital, in many settings in the Samara region developed system of quality assessment of each employee, the results of which are used for a differentiated approach to remuneration.