Articles with tag: «qualification of doctors»

    Management in healthcare
  • 2023 № 1 Review of the work of the state dental service of the Tver region in 2021

    Taking care of the health of the population of the Tver region is an important direction of social regional policy. The main task of the dental service of the Tver region is to preserve and strengthen the health of the citizens of the Tver region, to increase the role of preventive care of dental diseases, to form a model of organization of the dental industry that ensures the availability and quality of dental care, to increase the efficiency of dental services, the volume, types and quality of which should correspond to the level of morbidity and the needs of the population, advanced achievements of medical science. The aim of the research is the analysis of the statistical data of the stomatological service of the state public health institutions of the Tver region.
    Materials and methods. Analysis of the statistical data reflecting demographic indexes, statistics of the stomatological service structure, staffing, distribution of dentists among the institutions of the Tver region, quality of dental care, the main indexes of the stomatological service of the Tver region, indexes of treatment and preventive work.
    Results. The present study is devoted to the analysis of the activity of state medical institutions of health care of the Tver region that provide dental care to the population of the Tver region. The indices of the provision of dentists in this region (not taking into account orthopedists and orthodontists) makes 3,82 posts for 10 thousand population (426,25 rates in total). Indicators of provision of the region’s population with dentists are 4,3 positions per adult population of the region. The deficit specialties have been revealed: pediatric dentists, orthodontists, in the regional institutions there is a shortage of orthopedists. The share of occupied staff positions in the specialty of pediatric dentistry was 49%, which reflects the need for training in this area. The difficulties in the organization of preventive examinations of the
    children’s population were revealed, and the low percentage of the examined persons.
    Conclusions. The municipal, district and regional medical institutions of health care rendering dental treatment to the population are functioning on the territory of the city of Tver and the Tver region in general. The statistical analysis has revealed a number of difficulties that require further action on the part of the medical community and public organizations. It is necessary to develop comprehensive measures to solve the shortage of pediatric dentists at the level of the Ministry of Health and educational institutions. The difficulties of preventive examinations among the population of different groups are highlighted. It is important to strengthen the preventive profile in order to reduce the cases of complicated caries, tooth extraction. Development of hygienic direction will increase awareness of the population
    about the peculiarities of dental and oral hygiene, methods of prevention and treatment of dental diseases.


    Tags: accessibility3 compulsory health insurance17 dental care1 dental diseases1 dental service1 health promotion2 qualification of doctors2 quality5 quality expertise1

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  • 2023 № 6 Overview of the state of dental care to the children’s population of the Tver region for the period 2016–2020 years.

    Taking care of the health of the population of the Tver region is an important area of social regional policy. The main task of the dental service of the Tver region is to preserve and strengthen the health of citizens of the Tver region, increase the role of prevention of dental diseases, form a model of the organization of the dental industry, ensuring the availability and quality of dental care, improving the efficiency of dental services, the volumes, types and quality of which should correspond to the level of morbidity and the needs of the population, advanced achievements of medical science.
    P u r p o s e . To review statistical data on the provision of dental care to children in public institutions of the Tver region.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The review, analysis, collection and comparison of aggregated data for 2016–2020 in Tver and the Tver region were carried out: statistical data on demography, analysis of dental service performance indicators, analysis of indicators of accessibility of dental care to the children’s population by questioning parents/legal representatives of children’s patients, analysis of personnel potential and questioning of dentists in the profile “Pediatric dentistry”.
    R e s u l t s . This article is devoted to an overview of the activities of public health institutions of the Tver region providing dental care to the children’s population within the framework of compulsory medical insurance. The results of the study indicate that the prevalence of dental caries among children of the Tver region is consistently high. Further preventive programs and additional research are needed to improve the dental health of children.

    Authors: Konovalov O. E. [3] Zhukova K. V. [2]

    Tags: accessibility3 compulsory medical insurance18 dental care for children1 prevention of dental diseases1 qualification of doctors2 quality5 review2 statistics5

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