Articles with tag: «morbidity structure»

    Management in healthcare
  • 2023 № 2 Features of the structure and dynamics of morbidity rates in children and adolescents in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    Analysis of the incidence of children and adolescents in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014–2019 showed that the largest share in the structure of the general morbidity of children was occupied by respiratory diseases – 47,5%, certain conditions that occur in the perinatal period – 18,1%, some infectious and parasitic diseases – 9,1%, diseases of the digestive system – 8,5%, The largest increase in the level of primary morbidity in children in 2019 compared to 2014 was observed in mental and behavioral disorders – by 370,1% in the age group 0–5 years and by 208,4% in the age group 14–17 years, by 49,7% in the age group of 6–13 years; diseases of the eye and its accessory apparatus – by 41,5% in the age group of 0–5 years, by 15,2% in the age group of 14–17 years and by 13,4% in the age group of 6–13 years; neoplasms – by 28,4% in the age group of 0–5 years and 26% in the age group of 6–13 years.

    Authors: Mingazova E. N. [34] Mingazov R. N. [12] Mustafaeva Z. M. [1] Shegai M. M. [1]

    Tags: child population2 children and adolescents2 morbidity dynamics1 morbidity structure1 the republic of azerbaijan1

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