All articles by I. V. Ivanov
2020 № 5 Is a medical organization required to provide medical documents of a deceased patient for review at the request of his / her spouse or close relatives
The article presents a detailed analysis of the legal situation related to issues of medical confidentiality after the death of a patient. The publication brought to the attention of the medical organizations, now in accordance with the Decision of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2020, № 1-P the denial of a spouse (wife), close relatives of a deceased patient access to his medical records may be considered valid only if during the life of the patient expressed prohibition on disclosure of information constituting a medical secret.
2020 № 3 Collection of statistical data characterizing the quality and safety of medical activities and their analysis by order of the ministry of health of the Russian Federation № 381 of 07.06.2019: what andd how a medical organization should collect and analyze
In the article, the authors pay attention to the fact that in accordance with the Requirements for the organization and conduct of internal control of the quality and safety of medical activities, approved by the order of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation from 07.06.2019, № 381n, medical organizations must ensure the collection of statistical data characterizing the quality and safety of medical activities, and their analysis. The authors show that, on the one hand, this work includes the collection and analysis of primary statistical data, traditionally carried out by medical organizations within the framework of Federal statistical observation, at the same time, on the other hand, now medical organizations must collect and analyze indicators that characterize the implementation of the tasks set by the Requirements. The publication presents and justifies a specific list of these indicators.
2019 № 4 Amendments to the Federal law “On the basics of public health in the Russian Federation” on matters of clinical guidelines: what to do and what to expect medical organizations
The article deals with an analysis of certain provisions of the legislation on health care in connection with the changes made to the Federal law “on the basics of public health in the Russian Federation” on clinical guidelines.” In the context of the adopted changes, the authors consistently and clearly justify the obligation of medical organizations to comply with both the standards of medical care and the current clinical recommendations (treatment protocols). The sig- nificantly increased role of criteria for assessing the quality of medical care, approved by the Ministry of health of Russia, is emphasized and justified.