Articles with tag: «medical care for patients»
2021 № 5 Organization of medical care for patients with cancer on the basis of lean production in the interests of developing organizational health-saving technologies during the pandemic
The article presents the results of the application of lean manufacturing (LM) technologies for the successful implementation of the state task of a clinical medical organization to provide high-tech medical care during the restrictions caused by the COVID19 pandemic. The highest degree of implementation of LM values and technologies was achieved in the section of respect for the person and corporate culture – 89%, compliance with specialized standards – 86%, satisfaction with quality and safety, as well as quick response to changes‑85% for each,
which allows implementing organizational health-saving technologies. The most accessible and widespread health-saving technology can be considered specialized information on the prevention of non-communicable diseases posted on the website of a medical organization in a special section and attracting the attention of patients in a voluntary informed consent. The organizational and methodological department can become the organizing structural unit of a medical organization for testing the introduction of lean production technologies and testing organizational health-saving technologies, whose specialists should be engaged in improving the level of professional training of doctors,
specialists in clinical profile and secondary medical personnel on health-saving issues, conducting communication campaigns aimed at increasing the responsibility of patients who come for examination and treatment for their health, their relatives and relatives, awareness of the value of human life and health, the formation of a culture of health in various age and social groups.