Articles with tag: «legal representative»

    Management in health care
  • 2013 № 10 Regarding the right of a patient or his official legal representatives to demand a consultation of physicians-specialists (Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Continuing Education, Irkutsk, Russia).

    Annotation. Authors refer the right of a patient or his official legal representatives to demand a consultation of physicians-specialists to the group of hardest to establish rights in the health care system of Russian Federation. In the article there is given a detailed description of problems, related to implementing this right. As a proposal directed on complying the appointed law, there is suggested a mandatory development of internal document in every medical entity, regulating the procedure of processing patient's consultations. There are given concrete recommendations on what content has to be reflected in the regulation of the procedure of organizing and conducting consultations in medical organizations.

    Authors: Piven D. V. [59] Kitzul I. S. [3]

    Tags: attending physician1 consultation per demand1 consultations of physiciens-specialistes1 legal representative1 patient's right1

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