Articles with tag: «innovations»
2015 № 3 Cluster principle of efficiency increase of scientific, educational and medical activity
A brief characteristic of goals of clusters and their role in the innovation development in a health care are presented. The integration process of scientific, educational, medical institutions and businesses in the regional cluster is shown. Illustrated by the example of Kemerovo city the efficiency of a consolidation is evaluated, which is characterized by the creation of scientific production with its subsequent commercialization of high-tech enterprises, continuing vocational education, medical care in cardiovascular diseases on the full-cycle basis.
2013 № 7 Analysis of international experience of funding and managing research and development in healthcare (Federal Research Institute for Health Care Organization and Information of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia; Research center of neurology Russian academy of medical science, Moscow, Russia; Research-Practical Center of Medical Radiology, Moscow Department of Health care, Moscow, Russia)
Healthcare in developed countries becomes the most productive and cited field of the world science. However little is known about innovative processes in the non-market oriented areas including medicine. This article deals with funding and managing research and development in medicine in foreign countries. The authors show that innovations in healthcare are the major focus of interest of foreign governments seeking for balance between cost-containment, quality and access to health care. Healthcare innovations assessment is necessarily accompanied with the expert evaluation of efficacy and safety of health technologies delivered by designated institutions. International policy analysis confirms that the search for the most effective management in organization and funding of healthcare research is of high priority in the world.