Articles with tag: «electronic data interchange»

    Medical informational systems
  • 2016 № 6 Improving the efficiency of operation of robotic systems for medical rehabilitation through the implementation of information and telecommunication technologies

    s. Currently, the actual implementation is to study the possibilities of telemedicine and telecommunication technologies in the operation of high-tech medical equipment, such as robotic surgery and rehabilitation complexes. Increasingly in demand methods of personalized medicine, the computerization of administrative and business procedures. Widely implemented public health practice in technology automation jobs of medical specialists, registry staff, laboratories, diagnostic rooms, pharmacies, accountants and managers, electronic document management and electronic patient records. Promising is the use of information technology for telemedicine and remote of the medical-diagnostic and rehabilitation methods. The purpose of this article is to state data coverage problems in the actual practice of national health care and the analysis of the possible prospects of development of telemedicine in health care with the introduction of cluster systems.

    Authors: Karpov O. E. [5] Zamyatin M. N. [1] Daminov V. D. [1] Gercik Yu. G. [1] Gercik G. Y. [1]

    Tags: electronic data interchange1 medical engineering clusters1 person-lysed medicine1 robotic systems1 telecommunication technology1 telemedicine12

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