Articles with tag: «costs»
2017 № 2 Analysis of resourse utilization for laboratory diagnostics by Russia’s hospitals
For evaluate the use of human and material resources for laboratory services was study the structure and expenses for laboratory diagnostics in 82 hospital institutions from eleven Russian regions. The data showed that the laboratories occupy 2.5% of hospital areas (median), they employed 4.2% of all employees, including 4.5% of hospital doctors. In the structure of total institutions costs \ laboratory costs account for 4.4% (1st quartile, 2.9%, the third – 6.4%). These costs are 93.7% for wages and the purchase of reagents and materials. The share of labor costs were twice as high as on the reagents and materials (62.9% and 28.7%, respectively). Median costs for community charges amounted to 1.9%, and equipment maintenance – 1.2%. As an additional task carried out a separate assessment of the resource costs of microbiological laboratories. In half of health facilities, these costs amounted to less than 1% of hospital expenditures, although ten of the thirty-nine – exceeded 1.8%. The median labor costs, reagents and materials amounted to 92.6%. For all laboratory expenditure in general, the predominant contribution here was added labor costs.
2022 № 1 Assessment of economic losses due to the development of infection in the surgical intervention area
The development of infection in the field of surgical intervention is inextricably linked with financial costs and the public reputation of the institution. The medical and preventive institution needs to allocate additional funds from the hospital budget for diagnostic studies, as well as for medicines for the treatment of frolicking purulent-septic complications. As a result, medical and preventive institutions experience annual additional economic losses.
P u r p o s e of the study is to assess the economic damage caused to medical and preventive institutions due to the development of infections in the field of surgical interventions.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . In the course of this study, an analysis of domestic and foreign literature sources on the issue of economic damage from purulent-septic complications in surgical practice was carried out.
R e s u l t s . The damage caused by the development of infections in the area of surgical intervention is quite significant, and even the introduction of new technologies and therapies does not relieve patients from their possible appearance. The estimated costs of infection of the surgical intervention area vary depending on the region, the type of operation and the degree of infection.
Economic analysis in this case is necessary to study the activities of organizations from the point of view of evaluating their work in order to monitor and subsequently better manage the processes of supplying the institution itself with material resources, as well as the use of internal reserves and their rational use.
F i n d i n g s . The distribution of funds in medical and preventive facilities should be carried out rationally to ensure the full-fledged activity of the institution. In the absence of measures taken to prevent the development of nosocomial infections, infections of the surgical intervention area may occur after a certain period of time after the patient is discharged from the hospital, thereby contributing to the spread and contamination of healthy people, which from a socio-economic point of view is unprofitable.