Articles with tag: «analysis»
2017 № 7 The condition of traumatism problem according to data of official statistics and scientific foundation for its control
Traumatism is the priority problem of Health Protection in Russia. The questions of statistics and organization of specialized help are not yet decided. The results of analyses of the main data in the Astrakhanian region according to official medical statistics for 2005–2015 years are represented in the article. There were studied the intensive data, their dynamics, meaning of difference according to statistic criteria t. The limit of possibilities in investigation of traumatism and mortality because of external factors in connection with not quite full control of their parameters in the forms of federal statistic observation was found out. The necessity of perfection of control in traumatism and medical help to victims by creation of regional and federal specialized informative systems and adoption of normative documents were confirmed. The introduction of worked-out regional informative systems gives the possibility to improve control of traumatism and specialized medical help
2018 № 4 Multivariate statistical analysis by the example of transport accidents
Modern methods of multivariate analysis allow to perform in-depth analysis on statistical data. The proposed method of multivariate analysis examines the formation of the array using the algorithm of generalized assessment of health indicators. It is possible to build and further analyze a mathematical model using an algebraic model of constructive logic. Using the proposed method, the analysis of mortality in the result of accidents in transport. This allows you to rank indicators lethality in the regions of the country and highlight the most problematic regions. The partial significance of the analyzed factors is shown. It provides analytical approach to the epidemiology of mortality in transport in different regions of the country