Articles from rubric: «Quality of medical care»

  • 2022 № 11 Hospital information system and quality control of treatment.

    The article presents an approach to quality control of treatment at the present stage. A trend of today – the use of a medical information system for quality control of the medical and diagnostic process (with special attention paid not to reporting to higher authorities, but to the organization of internal control in a medical organization). Possible tools and benefits are considered.
    P u r p o s e . Determining the capabilities of Hospital Information System for quality control of medical care.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . We analyzed the requirements of regulatory acts for the control of medical care, as well as the real needs of HIS users. An experiment on the formation of a set of tools for quality control of treatment was carried out using the example of Hospital Information System Interin PROMIS Alpha. We considered the prospects taking into account the results of the research of Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of RAS in the field of working with clinical data banks.
    R e s u l t s . General requirements for internal quality control include 5 levels of control. The use of HIS is most in demand in the following areas: compliance with medical care standards, internal control tools (analysis of compliance with clinical recommendations, expert assessment of the quality of treatment, quality and safety of medical activities, format and logic control, etc.) and ensuring patient safety.
    The use cases of the HIS in these areas are illustrated by the example of the Hospital Information System Interin PROMIS Alpha. The prospects of the development of the direction consisting in transferring the main load from a person to an HIS and in attracting AI technologies and neural networks are considered.
    F i n d i n g s . The main problems of quality control are the need for the participation of highly qualified specialists and the high complexity of the process. These problems can be solved by shifting the control regulations from «after the fact» to «proactive» and «in real time» by using HIS, as well as involving knowledge-intensive technologies in this process with the involvement of artificial intelligence and neural networks.

    Authors: Fokht O. A. [2] Gladkov N. V. [1]

    Tags: expertise4 hospital information system3 quality control of treatment1 treatment standards1

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  • 2017
  • 2017 № 10 The main trends of analysis of the causes of patients’ discontent with the medical aid based on the patients’ complaints and independent assessment of the medical care quality in medical institutions

    The article presents the main approaches to the analysis of the causes of the patients’ dissatisfaction with the medical aid based on the people complaints and independent assessment of the medical care quality in medical institutions found in internet sites of different levels. Sometimes the assessment results are indicative of the rather good and even very good patients’ satisfaction with medical care but the number of patients’ complaints against the dissatisfactory medical aid in some medical institutions remains very high. The main causes of patients’ discontent with medical care are analyzed and concrete recommendations for better medical aid organization are presented

    Authors: Gurov A. N. [15] Plutnitsky A. N. [4] Garina I. B. [2]

    Tags: analysis of patients’ complaints1 complaint2 dissatisfaction with medical aid1 independent assessment of the medical care quality1 prevention of patients’ discontent1

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  • 2017 № 10 Performance of the hospitals neurosurgical profile in subjects of the Russian Federation

    The main indicators of resource provision (number of beds, medical personnel) and in the performance of neurosurgical hospitals in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for three years (2014–2016) are ana¬lyzed. The substantial variation in resource provision of certain regions of the country medical care of neurosurgical profile, a variety of indicators of total and postoperative mortality are shown. The authors emphasize the need for the restoration of health-organizational unity in the industry, enhancing coordination of regional and Federal medical organizations not only in the field neurosurgery but other high-tech areas of scientific and clinical activities

    Authors: Perkhov V. I. [20] Potapov A. A. [1] Tanashin S. V. [1]

    Tags: neurosurgery1 specialist medical care to inpatient high-tech medical care beds1

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  • 2017 № 10 Physician`s role of state and private medical clinics on organization in detection of limb`s surgical artery diseases

    It was conducted a interview of physician`s about their experience in the detection and treatment of limb`s surgical artery diseases. The obtained results indicate the detection of these diseases on late stages mainly. The delay in establishing the diagnosis is associated with the next: 1) late appeal to a doctor, 2) lack of alertness of physician`s, 3) a low level of skills in identifying the aforementioned diseases. Commercial clinics have more opportunities to identify linb`s surgical artery diseases on early stages

    Authors: Zubko A. V. [2] Rudnev S. G. [1] Sabgayda T. G. [1]

    Tags: early detection1 limb`s surgical artery diseases1 organization of medical care to patients with vascular diseases1 vascular surgery1

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