All articles by Varakina Z. L.
2022 № 5 Implementation of SCORE calculator into the medical information system of the primary care
In the Russian Federation, disease prevention in primary care is a priority area of medical care for the adult population. An automated assessment of the risk of death from cardiovascular disease can be an auxiliary preventive tool if integrated intoa medical information system.
P u r p o s e o f t h e s t u d y – to substantiate the automation of the process of assessing the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases over the next 10 years using the SCORE scale at the level of a city hospital.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The study was carried outat the State Budgetary Medical Institution of Arkhangelsk region “Arkhangelsk City Clinical Hospital № 7”. The completeness and quality of electronic patient records were assessed. The SCORE calculator was integrated into the examination protocol for primary care physicians. The effects of the innovation on the completeness and quality of electronic patient records were assessed.
R e s u l t s a n d d i s c u s s i o n . Among the served population aged 40 to 79 years, any information on risk factors for cardiovascular diseases was reflected in 28,7% of electronic patient records. Data on all variables used to assess the risk on the SCORE scale (gender, age, systolic blood pressure, smoking, cholesterol level) were present for 20,8% of the patients. The introduction of the SCORE automated calculator into the examination protocol of a general practitioner and a cardiologist made it possibleto increase the completeness of data on cardiovascular disease risk factors used for the risk assessment on the SCORE scale to 97,4%.
C o n c l u s i o n s . The introduction of the SCORE automated calculator has significantly increased the completeness of data on the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in patients’ electronic patient records. The innovation makes it possible to reduce labor costs forestimatingthe risks, allowsmore effective identification of persons subject to dispensary observation.