All articles by Polishchuk V. E.
2020 № 6 On the issue of the feasibility of the im- munization informatization in penitentiary medicine
The article highlights the use of information systems in immunization as one of the important problems of the pen- itentiary and civil healthcare sectors. It analyzes the existed software systems for automated immunization management and helpes to make conclusion that the implementation of such software products into the practice of penitentiary health care should be carried out taking into account all the specifics of the organization of medical activity in the penitentiary system.
2019 № 10 On the development of the information system for evaluating the severity of hiv infection in prisoners
Nowadays one of the most important issue is the prediction of HIV and AIDS development. The ability to evaluate in numbers the outcome of the disease (in particular the AIDS development) is of great interest. It depends on a number of systematically taken medical indicators of an HIV infected person. For to create the information system for evaluating the severity of hiv infection in prisoners it is necessary, first of all, to evaluate the link between those indicators of the patient’s condition and the development of the disease itself. The article is focused on the possibility of using correlation analysis to identify the link between the develoopment of HIV and the data of the main medical indicators, which is regularly monitored in the penitentiary system. For to achieve this goal it was formed a sample based on the data of the Russian penitentiary system.