Sociology of health care
  • 2020 № 6 Subjective assessment of satisfaction of mothers of newborns with the attitude of para- medical personnel of obstetric care organizations

    Purpose.   To assess the satisfaction of mothers of newborns with the attitude of paramedical personnel in obstetric care organizations of the metropolis.
    Methods. An anonymous survey of 2949 mothers of newborns was conducted in 4 obstetric care organizations in St. Pe- tersburg. To assess the satisfaction of mothers, the methods recommended by FFOMS were used. Mathematical data pro- cessing was carried out using spreadsheets “MS Office Excel 2010” and the statistical software package PASW STATISTICS. Results. The obstetric care organizations of St. Petersburg have a “high level” of an integral indicator of satisfaction with the attitude of paramedical personnel in providing medical care to newborns (77.4%), which is higher in maternity hospitals than in perinatal centers (integral indicator (78.5% and 75.1%, respectively.) Regardless of the level of organization of obstetric care, mothers were more satisfied with the human qualities of the paramedical staff working with newborns (“high level” on the FFOMS scale). Motors were less satisfied with the amount of time and attention that nurses paid to children (“average level” according to the FFOMS scale). In contrast to maternity hospitals, when assessing the activities of nurses of perinatal centers, 16.7% more mothers were indicated in the rush and insufficient time, and 32 more were indifferent, 3%. Overall, 72.4% of mothers rated the work of secondary medicine the maternity staff of obstetric institutions with newborns was “excellent” and “good” (on av- erage 4.03 ± 0.07 points), but in maternity hospitals the respondents more often rated “good” and less often “satisfactory”. Conclusions. The study showed a high satisfaction of mothers with the attitude of paramedical personnel to newborns in obstetric organizations of a megalopolis, regardless of the level of medical care provided to them. The attitude of nurses in maternity hospitals was rated higher than in perinatal centers.
    Scope   of   the   results. Development of organizational measures aimed at improving the quality of medical services in obstetric care organizations.

    Authors: Moiseeva K.  E. [2] Yuryev V.  K. [2]

    Tags: level of satisfaction1 maternal satisfaction1 newborns1 nursing  staff5 organization of obstetric care1

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  • Sociology of healthcare
  • 2023 № 9 The referral of children to medical organizations as a criterion for the medical activity of parents.

    An important component of the lifestyle of the population is medical activity, which plays a significant role in maintaining and strengthening the health of not only the adult population, but also children.
    Purpose of the study: evaluation of the influence of the social characteristics of families in the Chechen Republic on the appeal of children to medical organizations.
    Materials and methods. The collections “The incidence of the Russian child population (0–14 years old) with a diagnosis established for the first time in life” of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Central Research Institute of Health and Human Health for 2017–2021 were analyzed. A subjective assessment of children’s referral to medical organizations was carried out on the basis of the results of a survey of 536 parents, which was carried out using the «Questionnaire of the parents of a child under the age of 7 years»
    in 2021 in 9 districts of the Chechen Republic. Mathematical data processing was carried out using spreadsheets of the MS Office‑2016 software package (Word, Excel) and the StatSoft-Statistica 10.0 statistical software package.
    Results. Primary morbidity, according to the data on the appealability of the children’s population of the Chechen Republic, is 3.7 times lower than the national average. The number of children in the family, the education of the parents and the financial situation of the family influence the number of children in the family. In families with 5 or more children, parents are less medically active in terms of seeking medical care than in families with 1–2 children and 3–4 children (p<0.05). Families where the mother or father have an incomplete secondary education compared to families where the father or mother has a complete secondary or higher education, including incomplete higher education, parents are significantly more likely to show less medical activity (p<0.01). Families where the funds for the normal
    material support of the child are not fully enough or not enough at all, more often do not seek medical help or seek medical help only in case of a serious illness of the child, compared with financially secure families (p <0.01). The medical activity of parents is not affected by the age of the parents, family residence in the city or countryside, whether the child is organized or not, and he is also brought up in a family where mothers work or are housewives (p> 0.05).
    Conclusion. One of the most significant subjective reasons for low attendance to medical organizations in the event of a child’s illness is the low medical activity of parents, which largely depends on the social characteristics of the family. Families with 5 children or more, families where one of the parents has an incomplete secondary education, and families with a low financial situation are more likely to show poor medical care.
    Scope of the results. Development of organizational measures aimed at improving the quality and availability of medical care in organizations of the children’s healthcare system.

    Authors: Moiseeva K.  E. [2] Yuriev V. K. [1] Mezhidov K. S. [1]

    Tags: attendance at medical organizations1 chechen republic1 children under the age of 71 medical activity of parents1 social factors2

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