Management in healthcare
  • 2022 № 7 Features of national account of donor platelets collection

    Based on the analysis of the practice of donor platelet concentrates collection in 16 Russian blood service organizations, it was
    established that:
    - the term “unit” is used in relation to 4 concepts, which leads to a misreporting of the blood component “Platelet concentrate
    from a blood unit”,
    - the blood component “Leuco-reduced platelet concentrate from a blood unit” is not produced at all due to the lack of clinical need and excessively high cost,
    - ANOVA analysis of variance revealed significant differences in the volumes of both therapeutic doses (p=0,038) and units of platelet concentrates (p<0,001) prepared by eight studied methods,
    - indicators of the volume of pooled platelet concentrates are higher than similar indicators of apheresis products: a) treatment dose – by 36,1% (p=0,001), b) unit – by 35,5% (t-test – 4,771, p<0,001),
    - the current system for accounting for the volume of collection of 11 types of donor platelet concentrates does not allow assessing either the number of prepared therapeutic doses or the degree of implementation of technologies for their additional processing,
    - a form of the blood establishment report on the collection of platelets was proposed, which characterizes: a) the number of received therapeutic doses, b) the use of the processes for preparing these doses.

    Authors: Zhiburt E. B. [15] Averyanov E. G. [6] Shestakov E. A. [6] Khamitov R. G. [1]

    Tags: account2 apheresis4 blood8 blood transfusion10 platelets5 pooling4 unit4 volume4

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