Sociology of healthcare
  • 2022 № 6 Features of relationships in the family among teenagers at risk group of using psychoactive substances and the role of their study in psychological and pedagogical prevention of the Udmurt Republic

    The article presents an analysis of the preventive medical examination of teenagers to identify risk factors for non-drug use of narcotic and psychotropic substances in educational institutions of the Udmurt Republic. Risk factors for a healthy lifestyle have been identified through a survey of teenagers and their parents, types of families and specifics of upbringing have been identified, groups for family psychological and pedagogical prevention have been formed. Training sessions were held with parents of teenagers and the data of the results are presented, allowing them to be used in the preventive work of health care institutions.

    Authors: Lukin A. Yu. [2] Beznosova M. G. [1] Tikhomirova G. I. [2]

    Tags: education1 family relationships1 methodology5 psychological and pedagogical prevention1 teenager population1 types of nurture1

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