Articles with tag: «rural residents»

    Management in health care
  • 2015 № 4 Supply of general practitioners and their activity in different federal districts of the country in the period from 2007 to 2013 biennium

    In the Russian Federation from 2007 to 2013 biennium. indicator of the availability of general practitioners has steadily increased. The most pronounced positive trend registered in the southern federal district (53,9%), the lowest-in the Siberian federal district (2,6%), along with the indicators of the medical and the coefficients of its rejection had considerable variability (maximum in the North Caucasus federal district: +40,6%, minimum-VLS: +14,6%) Also decreased the number of specialists, particularly in the Northwest and Vls, which contributed to the growth in health care ISSUES for the country as a whole, over the period from 2007 to 2013 biennium. was +31,4%. Increased proportion of patients and GPS at home, especially rural people. The overwhelming number of visits to doctors in that specialty was about diseases. This situation requires re-evaluation of the primary health care for the population in order to increase the availability of care provided by general practitioners, and the basis of the positive experience of a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Authors: Son I. M. [41] Kupeeva I. A. [7] Ivanova M. A. [12] Sokolovskaya T. A. [5]

    Tags: . general practitioners2 function of medical posts1 medical services5 rural residents2 security2 staffing11

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  • 2020 № 2 Evaluation of the organization and transport accessibility of medical care to rural residents

    The basis of the study was the Orenburg region. According to the MIAC health care in the Orenburg region
    in 2015, the number of rural settlements was 1036, and the number of FAPs was 945. Sociological studies were conducted
    in three pilot rural areas with different populations and distances from the regional center: Abdulinsky, Orenburg, Svetlinsky.
    The total number of adults in the three districts is 19,356. The results of a sociological survey indicate a low availability of medical assistance to rural residents, the lack of a preventive focus among doctors on the prevention of exacerbations of chronic pathology, primarily of villagers living in localities attached to FAP. The need to improve the organizational forms of the work of medical organizations in the countryside, the development of mobile field complexes and general medical (family) practices, the development of medical and social assistance in rural areas is determined.

    Authors: Kalininskaya A. A. [15] Sulkina F. A. [3] Muftakhova A. V. [2] Bayanova N. A. [4] Kizeev M. V. [6]

    Tags: access to medical care1 first-aid station (fap)1 medical organization (md)1 regional hospital (rb)1 rural medical ambulance station (ias)1 rural residents2

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