Articles with tag: «primary premedical health care (pfmsp)»
2022 № 7 Analysis of morbidity and staffing of the population of rural areas in the Russian Federation
Rural health care is the most important socio-economic resource in the system of the agrarian economy.
Purpose of the study. Based on medical and demographic indicators and analysis of morbidity and staffing of the rural population, develop proposals for improving the organization of medical care for rural residents.
M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s : analytical, statistical, direct observation. The article used the forms of federal statistical observation of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
R e s u l t s . The mortality rate of the rural population over the 20 years of analysis for all the years has been and remains higher than that of the urban population. In 2020, there was a sharp increase in the mortality of the population: urban – from 11,9 to 14,3‰, rural – from 13,3 to 15,4‰, which is associated with the COVID‑19 pandemic. The indicators of the general and newly diagnosed morbidity of the rural population are lower than those of the urban population, which is associated with the low availability of medical care to the rural population.
The ranking of indicators of the general incidence of the rural population in the federal districts of the Russian Federation (2020) showed that the difference in indicators was 1,5 times. The highest indicator was noted in the Volga Federal District – 142220,6‰00, the lowest in the Far Eastern Federal District – 96922,8‰00. In the subjects of the Russian Federation, the difference in indicators is 8 times. Lower rates of primary morbidity in the rural population than in the urban population were noted for all classes of diseases. The incidence of COVID‑19 among rural residents was 2151,9‰00, lower than in urban areas – 4539,5‰00, in the Russian Federation the figure was 3384,5‰00. In 2020, the primary morbidity rate of the rural population decreased for all classes of diseases, except for respiratory diseases. In dynamics (2014–2020), the provision of medical organizations located in rural areas increased with doctors from 12,1 to 14,0‰0, with nurses from 44,4 to 50,3‰0, the number of physical EMS persons decreased by 14,8%, paramedics – by 11,6%, the number of FAPs and AFs decreased by 8,9%. The analysis shows that the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.02.2015 No. 151-r “Target indicators of the strategy for sustainable development of rural areas of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030” is not being implemented.
C o n c l u s i o n . Proposals for providing medical care to the population of rural areas are presented