Articles with tag: «potential years of life lost»
2018 № 2 Potential years of a life lost and economic losses due to the alcohol-attributable mortality in the near-arctic regions of the european north of Russia
Background. High level of premature alcohol-attributable mortality and associated economic losses are the con- sequences of considerable alcoholization of the population of the near-arctic regions in Russia. Aim of the study is to assess potential years of a life lost and economic losses due to the alcohol-attributable mortality in the Murmansk, Arkhangelsk regions and the Komi Republic in 2006–2015 years. Methods. Potential years of a life lost due to the premature deaths from alcohol-attributable conditions were calculated using brief tables of mortality (survival) for the five-year age intervals. This data was used to estimate the scale of the “actual” (annual) and “prospective” economic losses. Results. Distribution of the potential years of a life lost due to the premature deaths from alcohol-attributable conditions had the inverse “po- lar-equatorial gradient” (the maximum values of the indicator were in the Arkhangelsk region and the Komi Republic; and the minimum values were in the Murmansk region). Men and women aged 30–49 were at the group of a high risk. Positive dynamics in the values of the indicator in the group of elderly persons was associated with an increase in the life expec- tancy of the population. In 2006–2015 total “perspective” economic losses due to premature alcohol-attributable mortality in Murmansk region amounted to 5.5 billion rubles, Arkhangelsk region – 9 billion rubles, Republic of Komi – 11.7 billion rubles. Conclusions. In 2006–2015 alcohol-attributable mortality remained a leading cause of a significant demographic and economic damage to the population of the near-arctic regions of the European North of Russia. Application of the results. Obtained results can be used to develop programs for medical prevention and the healthy lifestyle formation, justi- fication of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of regulation of the regional alcohol market.