Articles with tag: «modernization»
2014 № 3 Modernization of the primary medical documentation services of maternity and child health (On observation of the pregnant woman, the lying-in woman and the woman in childbirth) (ASDI «The Central scientific research institute of the organization and informatization of public health services» of the ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia)
In article the substantiation of necessity of modernization of the primary medical documentation is stated because operating documents «the Medical card of the pregnant woman and the woman in childbirth» (the form 111/acount), «History of sorts» (the form 96/ac) and «the Exchange card of female consultation and maternity hospital» (the form 113/ac) have become outdated and do not correspond to modern requirements and technologies. The concept of constructing of the new documentation-unified, computer-oriented is stated, which allows using a block principle to build up the algorithms of observation of patients accepted now at different stages of reproductive process and reduces time of filling of medical cards. Offered documents have passed approbation on pilot projects and contain all data necessary for monitoring condition of the woman, a fruit and the child, and allows to estimate activity of the medical personnel of establishments, state of health of women of reproductive age and quality of posterity on territories and drawing up of the statistical reporting (FSO № 32).