Articles with tag: «harmful working conditions»

    Questions and answers
  • 2022 № 10 Issues of taxation of compensation payments for treatment of COVID-19 with personal income tax

    Previously existing payments for the treatment of coronavirus infection (incentive payments, special social benefits) were not taxed on personal income. Therefore, the question naturally arises whether compensation payments to certain categories of persons at risk of contracting a new coronavirus infection are subject to taxation with this income. This problem is all the more urgent because, in accordance with the Tax Code, a number of types of compensation payments are exempt from taxation.
    The article analyzes the positions of the tax authorities on the problem under consideration, taking into account judicial practice, and concludes that compensation payments related to the treatment of COVID‑19 are an element of remuneration, act as a form of compensation surcharges for work in harmful working conditions, and therefore are subject to personal income tax in a general manner.

    Authors: Kadyrov F. N. [123]

    Tags: compensation payments4 coronavirus  infection12 covid-1928 harmful working conditions1 personal income tax1 taxation1

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