Articles with tag: «gerontology»

    Management in health care
  • 2020 № 9 Organization of the orthopedic and neurological service in the practice of a gerontologist

    Integrating neurological services into primary health care should be an important policy goal in both developing
    and developed countries. Providing neurological care through primary health care requires significant investment in training
    primary health care professionals to identify and treat neurological disorders. Such training should meet the specific practical needs of different groups of primary health care professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and community health workers.
    Preferably, continuous training is necessary to provide follow-up support to strengthen new skills. In many countries, this is
    not possible, and therefore suboptimal assistance is provided.
    Purpose: to analyze the organization of orthopedic and neurological services in the practice of a gerontologist.
    Methods: General clinical, neurological examination using diagnostic criteria of the DISEASE, PKP syndrome, 3-stage
    scale of global Deterioration (Global Determination Scale – GDS) and Clinical Dementia Rating scale (clinical Dementia
    Rating – CDR); neuroimaging methods – MRI/CT of the brain; quantitative EEG; experimental psychological examination:
    MMSE test, coding subtest, special experimental psychological study using Schulte tables, tests for memorizing 10 words
    and 8 numbers, Wechsler Memory Scale – Revised – WMS-R, spielberger-Hanin anxiety scale, geriatric Depression Scale;
    discriminant analysis was used to predict the development of dementia.
    Results: As a result of repeated studies, it was found that after three years in the group of patients with ART. II with PKP syndrome in 35.3%, dementia syndrome was diagnosed. Depending on the subtype of the PKP syndrome, dementia syndrome
    was detected in 55% of patients with the amnesic subtype, in 34.8% – with multi – domain, in 15.8% – with non-amnesic.
    The most vulnerable to the development of dementia were patients with the amnesic subtype of PKP syndrome.
    Conclusion: Using discriminant analysis of testing data of patients WITH stage II diabetes with advanced age PKP syndrome, informative and independent predictors of dementia development were established, which were included in the
    prognostic formula, namely, indicators of maximum reproduction of 10 words, coding subtest, complex verbal paired associations (short-term memory), visual reproduction (short-term memory), light verbal paired associations (long-term memory).
    There was a significant increase in pronounced correlations between various cognitive indicators in the group of patients
    with art. II WITH PKP syndrome in comparison with the groups of patients with ART. II without PKP syndrome, practically
    healthy elderly and young people, which indicates the formation of a stable pathological state in the cognitive sphere in
    patients with PKP syndrome.
    As we can see, the activity of a gerontologist is often closely related to neurology, so we consider it necessary to point
    out in conclusion the high efficiency of the neurology service based on a gerontologist.

    Authors: Koss V. V. [2] Elizarov M. V. [1] Leonov D. Yu [1]

    Tags: gerontologist’s practice1 gerontology2 neurological service1

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  • Foreign experience
  • 2019 № 3 Models of Geriatric Care in Russia and Europe: Preconditions, Current State, Prospects

    The article analyses directions and problems of the developing model of geriatric care in Russia. Key preconditions, organizational forms and problems are reviewed. A comparison with the most developed European models of geriatric care allows to formulate recommendation for future development. In particular, some promising directions include increased integration of medical and social care, development of medical staff’s geriatric competences, establishment of comprehensive geriatric assessment, introduction of advanced assistive technologies.

    Authors: Yu. G. Ellanskiy [1] Ilyukhin R. G. [1] Sh. G. Ajvazyan [1]

    Tags: elderly people2 geriatric care1 geriatric service2 geriatrics4 gerontology2 model of geriatric help1

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