Articles with tag: «dissatisfaction with the provision of high-tech medical care to patients with neoplasms»
2020 № 4 Analysis of the causes of public dissatisfaction with the provision of high-tech medical care to patients with malignant neoplasms in the Moscow region
The article presents the main approaches to analyzing the causes of public dissatisfaction with high-tech medical care for patients with malignant neoplasms on the basis of citizens’ appeals and an independent assessment of the quality of services rendered by medical organizations on websites.
The results of the assessment sometimes show good and very good results of patient satisfaction with the work of medical organi- zations, and the number of substantiated complaints from citizens about dissatisfaction with the medical care for cancer patients in specific medical organizations remains high.
The main causes of public dissatisfaction with medical care are analyzed and specific recommendations on the organization of work with cancer patients and the prevention of patients’ dissatisfaction are given.