Articles with tag: «control system»

    Information management
  • 2017 № 2 The performance management system of the healthcare institutions: experience of using information technology to enhance research productivity

    The original platform «Benchmarking research productivity» was developed in 2010 and integrated as a component of the research process management system in the NII KPSSZ. The designed platform addresses all the critical issues relevant for the management of the modern major health research institute. In the period from 2011 to 2015, the number of the articles published every year the research staff increased by 42.6%, the number of articles indexed in Web of Science and / or Scopus – increased 2.2 times; the number of citations for all publications increased 6 times; the average number of publications per 1 author increased by 27.1%. Information technology being one of central components allows to assess research productivity in the Research Institute management system and to monitor accurately the task performance by the local staff. The platform provides transparency of productive processes and gives opportunity to achieve main management objectives, i. e. motivation and coordination.

    Authors: Karas D. V. [1] Kruchkov D. V. [1] Artamonova G. V. [4]

    Tags: control system1 effectiveness of research activity1 information technology5 scientific and medical institution1

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