Articles with tag: «big data»

    Informatization of healthcare
  • 2023 № 6 Experience in the application of artificial intelligence technologies for the development of preventive health care on the example of the Kirov region.

    Healthcare is one of the priority sectors for the practical application of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. In 2018, in the Kirov region, it was decided to launch its own regional project for the implementation of AI technologies in order to gain practical experience and understand the features, advantages and barriers to the use of AI. Improvement of preventive medicine was chosen as a priority direction.
    The Russian predictive analytics platform Webiomed was chosen as the base software product. The project implementation included 3 stages: pilot testing in 2019–2020, commercial operation in the “second opinion” mode in 2021–2022. and implementation in the digital assistant mode, launched in 2023. As a result of the implementation of the 1st and 2nd stages of the project, it was possible to prove that the main advantage of AI in the analysis of big medical data is the autonomous and high accuracy of interpretation of the information available in it. An AI system for independently extracting the data necessary for analysis from electronic medical records, comparing them with data from past periods, assessing the dynamics of changes in health indicators, and identifying the emergence of dangerous trends and risk factors. Together, this allows the formation of the so-called “digital profiles” of patients, which in turn are a valuable resource for supporting management and clinical decision-making.

    Authors: Gusev A. V. [5] Kurdyumov D. A. [1] Kashin A. V. [1] Ryabov N. Yu. [1] Novitsky R. E. [1]

    Tags: artificial intelligence7 big data2 healthcare11 kirov region1 machine learning4 predictive analytics1 preventive medicine1 risk assessment1

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  • Digital healthcare
  • 2022 № 6 Experience and prospects of digital twins application in public healthcare

    Digitalization of healthcare opens up opportunities for applying new approaches to the organization of medical care, improving its quality, optimizing the use of healthcare resources. Digital twin is one of the new approaches, a virtual model of a physical object with dynamic bidirectional connections between a physical object and its corresponding twin in a digital environment.
    Digital twins allow to study, create and test new hypotheses, conduct experiments and research in silico. T h e a i m o f t h e s t u d y is to describe the existing Russian and foreign experience in the practical application of digital twins in the field of healthcare.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The literature review was conducted in Pubmed and Elibrary databases. Publications describing ethical and regulatory aspects, industrial, engineering or logistics applications were excluded. The articles have passed two rounds of peer review. R e s u l t s . Digital twins are used in clinical medicine to test new methods of treatment and the body’s response to them, to simulate the work of organs and tissues. The application of the technology for the development of precision therapy in cardiology, oncology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, orthodontic treatment, rehabilitation, intensive care is described. The digital twin can be used by health authorities to model patient behavior, predict the spread of the infectious process, the work of a medical institution and its structural units in order to optimize resources. C o n c l u s i o n s . The article provides an overview of technology and the main areas of application of digital twins for personalized medicine, public health and smart healthy cities. The prospects for using digital twins lie in the field of creating smart “healthy” cities and regions.

    Authors: Zuenkova Yu. A. [4]

    Tags: big data2 digital healthcare1 digital twin1 imitation modelling1 precision medicine1

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