Articles with tag: «accessability»

    Financial management
  • 2016 № 2 The economical effectiveness of actions preventing the expansion of incidents of substance and alcohol abuse

    The analysis of economical effectiveness of preventative measures against substance and alcohol abuse in the Kostromskaya region between 2008–2012 years showed a presence of significant losses for the region’s economy, prompted by the population’s morbidity for drug and alcohol abuse among the young and employable population. There was noted a low level of financial provision of regional target-oriented programmes and a deficit in current financing of narcology service, what in turn makes the medical aid considerably less accessible. The level of achieved indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the narcology service’s activity demonstrated that there is a significant retardment among the regions, included in the process of realization of the concept for modernizing the narcology service of the Russian Federation.

    Authors: Bryun Е. А. [1] Pochitaeva I. P. [1]

    Tags: accessability1 economical effectiveness3 prevention24 target-oriented programmes1

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