All articles by Avdeev A. I.
2018 № 9 Comparative analysis and assessment of polyclinic work at the second level of urological care to the population in the region within the framework of the developed three-level system
The system of urological care in the region is an integral component of effective health care. The regional system of urological care, implemented in the form of the so-called “traditional approach” is not optimal. The article provides an analysis of the three-level system of restructuring of urological care in the Voronezh region in terms of the polyclinic activity of medical organizations of the second level of urological care on the example of urolithiasis, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. The study included two time stages: the traditional system of urological care before the introduction of the restructuring system and after the introduction of a three-level system of care for patients with urological pathology. The results demonstrate a strong statistically significant objective increase in outpatient activity and the level of medical examination for the vast majority of patients in all three diseases considered in this study reflect the ultimate performance of the regional urological service (on the example of Voronezh region), in terms of its functioning in the format developed a three-tiered system of medical care in comparison with the traditional approach.