Pregnant technologies in primary health care in rural doctor’s ambulatory

Published: 2020-09-02

    Focus of problem
  • The priority state project currently being implemented, “Creating a New Model of a Medical Organization Providing Primary Health Care,” is especially relevant for implementation in hard-to-reach areas. Since rural health care is character- ized by a shortage of personnel, a weak medical and diagnostic base, low material and technical equipment, a low level of development of information technologies, and a large territorial extent. Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of lean manufacturing technologies with the participation of nursing specialists in the work of a medical out- patient clinic. Materials and methods. To determine the directions for the implementation of lean manufacturing methods, a questionnaire was conducted among patients (n = 232). Mapping and visualization, as well as timing of the processes before and after the introduction of organizational measures in two areas of the medical ambulance clinic “Reception of healthy children” and “Reception of patients with acute disease and with exacerbation of chronic.” Results and discussions. In order to eliminate (minimize) the revealed losses, re-planning of the premises was carried out, the functions were redistributed and the working hours of the medical staff were structured, templates-forms of documentation were developed. Conclusion and conclusions. The introduction of organizational measures allowed us to significantly reduce the waiting time for admission of a healthy child on the day of the disease without additional financial costs, as well as to increase patient satisfaction.

    Authors: Pyreva E. V. [1] Noskova V.  A. [2] Pozdeeva T.  V. [4]

    Tags: a  medical outpatient clinic1 a  new  organizational  model1 elimination  of  losses1 general practitioner4 implementation effectiveness.1 lean  technologies2 medical care in hard-to-reach areas1 nursing  staff5 primary health care23




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