Articles with tag: «medical means»
2018 № 3 Automation of the medical supply system. Database of medicinal means of a multi-disciplinary medical organization
The modern period of development of public health services differs by wide introduction of information technologies in administrative and clinical practice. The implementation of activities in the era of rapid digitalization, the high intensity of work in conditions of multi-channel financing, increasing competition and the difficult situation with tariff policy within the framework of territorial programs of state guarantees, accompanied by accelerating the pace of changes in the regulation of economic processes, raise new, higher requirements for the level of management systems of medical organizations and their respective automation.
The results of the analysis of the key supporting processes of medical organizations, such as drug supply, reflect the general dissatisfaction with the current and outdated drug delivery management system, its low ability to respond promptly to external and internal challenges. The professional community clearly needs to find and develop innovative approaches to improving the drug supply system of a medical organization using automated control systems.
Within the framework of this article practical approaches to the automated management of information flows related to the movement of medicines in the process of resource provision of a multi-profile medical organization are described on the example of the federal state budgetary institution “National Pirogov Medical Surgical Center”of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation (hereinafter Pirogov Center).