• 2023 № 10 Incidence of reproductive system diseases in St. Petersburg women.

    The study showed a high level of incidence of reproductive system diseases in women in St. Petersburg. Most of the nosological forms considered for 2017–2021. had a decreasing trend, except for menstrual disorders and female infertility. The dynamics of the level of primary and general incidence of inflammatory diseases of the female pelvic organs, menstruation disorders and benign breast dysplasia in St. Petersburg was significantly higher than the national average. Against the background of the COVID‑19 pandemic, in contrast to the regions of the Russian Federation as a whole, in St. Petersburg there was an increase in cases of primary and general incidence of female infertility and a decrease in primary cases of menstrual disorders. The results of the comparative analysis indicate the presence
    of territorial features in the prevalence of diseases of the reproductive system in St. Petersburg, which must be taken into account when planning government programs for the development of the healthcare system at the regional and federal levels.
    Objective: to assess the characteristics of the incidence of diseases of the reproductive system of women in a metropolis using the example of St. Petersburg.
    Materials and methods: An assessment and analysis of indicators of primary and general morbidity of women from 18 to 55 years of age with diseases of the reproductive system was carried out according to official statistical reports and publications of the Federal State Statistics Service and the Ministry of Health of Russia in St. Petersburg and in the Russian Federation as a whole in dynamics over 2017–2021.

    Authors: Yuryev V.  K. [2] Sokolova V. V. [3] Kuzmin A. N. [2]

    Tags: diseases of the reproductive system1 dynamics2 metropolis1 reproductive health3 women2

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  • 2022 № 10 Mathematical prediction of the risks of iron deficiency in women

    Purpose. Based on the study of medico-social, medico-biological and psychological factors, to assess the risks of iron deficiency in women. The results obtained will be used to develop a relevant program for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia and latent iron deficiency in primary health care.
    Materials and methods. The medical and social study was conducted on the basis of the city polyclinics of Kazan, the samples included two groups of women: 394 patients with laboratory-confirmed iron deficiency, including its clinical manifestations, and 373 women with a confirmed absence of iron deficiency and without probable complaints. The following methods were used in the study: bibliographic, socio-hygienic, psychological testing, sociological, information-analytical, mathematical-statistical, organizational experiment.
    Results. New data have been established on the factors affecting the volume of tissue iron stores in women: statistically significant associations of serum ferritin with sleep quality parameters and carbohydrate intake. The risks of iron deficiency anemia and latent iron deficiency were assessed, and subranges for individual risk groups were calculated.
    Findings. Statistically significant associations were found in the ferritin-total protein model with late bedtime (p <0,001), discrete sleep patterns (p <0,001), situational anxiety (p <0,001), and daily sugar intake (p = 0,021). According to mathematical forecasting, the greatest influence on the development of IDA in women is “going to bed” (R=2,1). Women who go to bed after midnight and from 23.00 to midnight are at risk of iron deficiency anemia, the risk of which is 2 times higher than in women who fall asleep before 23.00. The probability of latent iron deficiency in women with a high level of personal and situational anxiety is 28–29 times higher than in women with a low level of anxiety (R=29,254 and R=28, respectively).

    Authors: Chernobrovkina G. I. [1]

    Tags: iron deficiency1 iron deficiency anemia1 latent iron deficiency1 prevention24 women2

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