Articles with tag: «ultrasound diagnostics»

    Management in healthcare
  • 2023 № 10 Development of standards for the provision of children’s population with ultrasound examinations.

    Ultrasound examination is the most popular among other diagnostic methods. In pediatrics, ultrasound diagnostics has additional advantages due to its painlessness and lack of radiation exposure. However, there are a number of problems in regulating the activities of ultrasound diagnostics offices and departments, namely the standards for providing the children’s population with ultrasound examinations both for children’s city clinics and for children’s hospitals. These indicators are necessary for planning ultrasound activities in pediatrics and monitoring the availability of ultrasound in pediatric medical organizations. To calculate the indicator of the provision of ultrasound services to the child population, annual reports of ultrasound examination rooms and departments in 13 pediatric medical organizations in Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny, including 10 clinics and 3 hospitals, were analyzed. The annual number of ultrasound scans was compared to the size of the attached child population (for clinics) and the number of hospitalized patients (for hospitals). It turned out that the number of ultrasound scans varies significantly in different clinics. The average number of ultrasound scans per year in the clinic was calculated – the coverage of the child population in ultrasound, which amounted to 918 ultrasound scans per 1000 children’s population in the clinic, and in the hospital there are 114–390 ultrasound scans per 100 hospitalized patients. Using the presented algorithm for calculating the need for ultrasound in a children’s hospital and in a children’s clinic, it becomes possible to plan the activities of ultrasound diagnostic rooms and departments in pediatrics, and the ability to control the availability of ultrasound examinations for children.

    Authors: Yunusova E. R. [1] Khuzikhanov F. V. [1] Shulaev A. V. [1] Marapov D. I. [1]

    Tags: availability of ultrasound examinations1 ultrasound diagnostics2

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  • Management in health care
  • 2017 № 4 Functional features of the system of ultrasound examination of patients with urinary malignant neoplasms

    The incidence of the urinary malignant neoplasms has been steadily growing in Russia. However, in the Russian Federation there is no document, approving the standard of primary health care in this pathology. In practice, the burden of primary and specialized ultrasound of the urinary malignant neoplasms rests on the shoulders of Oncology Center doctors. Purpose - analysis of the effectiveness of the ultrasound diagnostic services in Kursk and the Kursk region at the urinary malignant neoplasms examination of patients at primary inspection, the specialized treatment, dispensary observation, uptake of this population in commercial structures. The study includes 309 patients assigned to Cancer registration in Kursk Regional Clinical Oncology Center from 2012 to 2015 diagnosed with kidney cancer and bladder cancer. Statistical analysis of the data is performed using SPSS «STATISTICS20.0». Our study shows that the majority of patients with primary urinary malignant neoplasms holds ultrasound examination in primary health care facilities. Often, however, the survey volume is carried out incomplete. The main factor determining the effectiveness of the primary ultrasound is an establishment of the meeting (p < 0,01). The greatest problems encounter in the study of retroperitoneal lymph nodes and the inferior vena cava, and the detection of tumors of small dimensions (T1). The ways of elimination of shortcomings of the ultrasound system and direction of further scientific research are proposed in this article.

    Authors: Podolskaya E. A. [1]

    Tags: bladder cancer1 health organization2 kidney cancer1 ultrasound diagnostics2

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