Articles with tag: «sustainable development of healthcare organization»
2020 № 1 New model of ambulatory healthcare operation as a form of sustainable development of healthcare organization
The article presents a review of the literature and the data of our own research on the problem of introduction of certain elements of the lean production model in the work of the ambulatory healthcare and assessment of its impact on the sustainable development of the healthcare organization as a whole. It was revealed that the new model of the am¬bulatory healthcares increases the efficiency of activities in the following areas: the achievement of long-term development strategy by 6.8 times, the introduction of organizational improvements and training of personnel by 5 times, synchronizes processes and optimizes resource provision 3 times more often than the initial level of work of the healthcare organization. In this regard, the sustainability potential of the healthcare organization providing primary health care to the population has increased by 3.47 times, which indicates an increase in the efficiency of the organization.