Articles with tag: «surgical blood saving»
2020 № 9 Organization, current state and immediate prospects of the problem «bloodless surgery»
The research focus of the publication is the problem of preserving the blood of the operated patient. The variety
of blood preservation methods shows the multidisciplinary nature of the problem and the importance of well-coordinated
teamwork of busy doctors. For more than 20 years, surgical, anesthetic, transfusion technologies of blood saving have
been used mainly in cardiac surgery patients. The use of a complex of blood-saving technologies allows you to reduce
the amount of blood loss and the consumption of donor blood components. Over 7 years in cardiac surgery, the number
of recipients of donor hemocomponents decreased by 41% (erythrovesue) and 61% (FFP). Autologous plasma is 68-78%
of the total volume transfused to cardiac patients. 50% of patients operated on the ascending aorta do not need a blood
transfusion. Blood loss during extensive liver resections has decreased three times in 10 years and does not require allogeneic blood transfusions. An adequate multidisciplinary approach to solving the problem of blood conservation can improve
the results of surgical treatment of patients.