Articles with tag: «staffing level»
2019 № 9 The problem of personnel shortage of the doctors for medical prevention
The Federal Law of November 21, 2011 № 323-FL «About the basis of the protection of public health in the Russian Federation» defined the priority of prevention in the field of health protection (Article 12). However, a number of problems in staffing of the system of medical prevention remain. Aim: to investigate the dynamics of the number of posts for doctors for medical prevention (positions, occupied positions, individuals), as well as their staffing level and combination rate for the period from 2014 until 2017 in the Russian Federation and its regions. Methods: based on the data of the Federal Statistic (form № 30), the article presents a statistic analysis of the number of posts for doctors for medical prevention for the period from 2014 until 2017 in the Russian Federation and its regions. Results: There is a low staffing level for doctors for medical prevention in the Russian Federation, which decreased even more over the study period: from 73.2% to 64.0% (by 12.5%). This is explained both by an increase in the staff positions of these doctors in the country from 1031 to 1526 (by 48.0%), while the number of occupied posts increased only by 29.50% (from 754.25 to 976.75), and by a simultaneous decrease in the part-time combination rate from 2.1 to 1.7 (19.0%), which continues to be high. At the same time, the num¬ber of regions with 100.0% staffing level of these personnel decreased by 76.9% (from 13 to 3). Conclusion: The low staffing level (64.0%) and the high part-time combination rate of doctors for medical prevention (1.7) in the Russian Federation in 2017 indicate a shortage of individuals for doctors for medical prevention – the main workers in the occupied positions and their replacement by doctors – co-workers of other specialties. This largely takes place due to the absence of the specialty «medical prevention», which necessity of the introduction needs to be discussed by the medical community.