Articles with tag: «professional and emotional burnout syndrome (spev)»

    Personnel management
  • 2021 № 1 Emotional burnout of a district doctor

    Based on the results of assessments of the dependences of the level of psychoemotional load of a primary care
    physician (PHC) (district physician) on medical and social problems related to the conditions of his activity, measures have been developed for stress resistance and health saving of a district physician (VTU). The Orenburg region with a population of almost 2 million people was the pilot territory (base) for the study. The region has 12 cities and 35 rural districts, the share of the rural population is 40.1%.
    Research materials und methods: sociological, direct observation, statistical: 1014 questionnaires of survey of district
    physicians (93% of the total number of VTU) were subjected to statistical processing. The study included 4 stages. At the first stage, sociological surveys of district physicians working in medical organizations located in urban and rural settlements were carried out (568 and 446 VTU, respectively). At the second stage of the study, the level of psychoemotional burnout was assessed using the modified method of V. V. Boyko (2010) “Diagnostics of the level of emotional burnout”. At the third stage of the study, we calculated the statistically significant correlation of the symptom of professional burnout (SPEV) with factors related to medical and social problems of the professional activity of the local GP. At the fourth stage of the study, a set of measures has been developed and is being implemented to increase emotional stability in the professional activity of the local GP.
    Relevance. WHO classifies occupational stress as a disease of the twentieth century, which can manifest itself in any
    profession and can reach the size of a “global epidemic”. The accumulation of negative emotions in the profession of a
    doctor can lead to psycho-emotional exhaustion and the formation of the syndrome of “emotional burnout”. A necessary quality of a primary care physician is emotional stability. This is the ability to overcome a state of excessive emotional arousal. Of particular importance is the development of professional burnout and the assessment of professional stability for district physicians who make first contact with the patient.
    Results. Measures have been developed to increase the effectiveness of emotional (professional) stability in the activities of VTU.
    Conclusion: Emotional stability in the doctor’s work allows you to maintain and further increase the effectiveness of professional activities. The obtained research results were used for the development of the “program for the modernization of health care in the Orenburg region”. They were used in the development of the Software product of the Ministry of health of the Orenburg region.

    Authors: Kalininskaya A. A. [15] Borshchuk E. L. [4] Bayanova N. A. [4] Smirnova S. A. [1] Rassokha D. V. [1]

    Tags: burnout syndrome1 district internist1 emotional stability1 health care23 level of psycho-emotional load1 professional activity of a doctor1 professional and emotional burnout syndrome (spev)1 ranking of factors1

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