Articles with tag: «organization of specialized medical care»

    Management in healthcare
  • 2023 № 5 Results of the quality control of the work in the regional vascular center of the Orenburg region (by the example of providing medical care to patients with acute myocardial infarction)

    Diseases of the circulatory system are an urgent medical and social problem. Cardiovascular disease is a common cause of death among more than half of all deaths in the Russian Federation, from 54,7 to 58,1 thousand people died from myocardial infarction every year in the last years.
    The regional vascular centers’ work is aimed at reducing the death rate of Russians from vascular accidents and improving their quality of life.
    The purpose of the study is the quality control of specialized medical care for patients with a acute myocardial infarction in Regional Vascular Center of the Orenburg region.
    Materials and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the Orenburg Regional Clinical Hospital “Voynov”, where the Regional Vascular Center exists for 10 ten years. The assessment presents bed performance indicators and special indicators of the quality of work of vascular centers for the period 2018–2022. The work uses statistical and search methods of research.
    Results. It has been established that due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection Covid‑19, such an indicator of the activity of the Regional Vascular Center of the Orenburg Region as the work of a bed was found in the intensive care unit in 2021, is up to 285.8 days, in the cardiology department in 2020 is 253,6 days. The lethality rate of the arbitration department was maximum in 2018 and 2020, the composition of 9,9% each, storage – in 2021 (7,2%). At the same time, this indicator was lower than the target mortality rate from the acute infantry department in the Orenburg region, equal to 12,4%. With the exception of a period of decreasing coverage of patients with thrombolytic therapy, which is associated with an increase in percutaneous coronary lesions performed on an emergency basis, the maximum number of exercising cases was performed 862 patients in 2021. Among patients with coronary syndrome, an
    increase in the coverage of medical rehabilitation was revealed, so in 2022 the proportion of such cases reached 28,2%.
    Conclusions. Thus, the period of pandemic of a new coronavirus infection Covid‑19 seriously influenced the indicators of the Regional Vascular Orenburg Region, but at the same time, we can see the improvement in the quality of the work of the consumption center to global control.

    Authors: Borshchuk E. L. [4] Redyukov A. V. [1] Bortsov N. A. [1] Perepelkina N. Yu. [1]

    Tags: organization of specialized medical care1 precise coronary syndrome1

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