Articles with tag: «of premature babies»

    First medical aid documentation
  • 2014 № 4 Modernization of the primary medical documentation Maternity and the child health services (On conducting newborns at stages of obstetrical and children's hospitals) (FSBI «the Central scientific research institute of the organization and information of public health services Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation», Moscow, Russia)

    The concept of construction of the registration documentation on conducting newborns in conditions of obstetrical hospital (in delivery room, physiological branch of newborns and branch of resuscitation and intensive therapy) — with corresponding supplementary sheets to estimate state of health and conducting of premature babies and sick newborns — is stated. Projects of the documentation of the exchange character intended for data transmission about a current of pregnancy and a state health of mother and a fruit from female consultation in obstetrical hospital and from obstetrical hospital to female consultation (data on the woman and its posterity), in children's polyclinic are resulted. In connection with peculiarities of features of an estimation of state of health and conditions of conducting of premature babies and sick children in the conditions of children's hospital (at the second stage) the project of the new registration document «Medical card of the newborn receiving medical care in the conditions of a hospital of the second stage» is developed and presented in article.

    Authors: Leonov S. A. [14] Tsybulskaja I. S. [2] Zajchenko N. M. [2]

    Tags: a maturity estimation1 an obstetric hospital1 intensive supervision1 mother2 of premature babies1 the newborn1 the second stage of nursing1 the sick child1

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