Articles with tag: «manifestations of neurasthenia»

    Public health
  • 2021 № 9 Borderline functional states of the men’s reproductive system: its influence on health and the quality of life.

    Between the differing frequency of prevalence of sexual dysfunctions, there’s a particular interest in the borderline disorders of the male reproductive system, in which no obvious somatic and mental pathology can be found in the body. The reversibility of functional disorders unveils favorable prognostic prospects and presupposes the development of new approaches in the organization of observation and correction of minimal borderline functional states of the reproductive system.
    P u r p o s e . To identify the frequency of borderline functional states of the reproductive system (BFSDS) among men over a five-year dynamics, their impact on the formation of health outcomes and quality of life.
    M a t e r i a l s a n d m e t h o d s . The study was conducted at the Reproduction Center of the Clinical Diagnostic Center (Nizhny Novgorod) for five years. Two groups of men of reproductive age with BFSDS at the age from 20 to 60 years were tested. We used copy-pair method. The first group (DM) included men with sexual dysfunctions and similar sexual disharmony (BFSDS) who didn’t receive medical benefits. The second group (DM + treatment) consisted of men with BFSDS who received cognitive-behavioral therapy and medicine. All subjects assessed the state of the reproductive system, neurological and hormonal status, as well as the quality of life (according to the SF‑36 questionnaire). To compare the parameters of the quality of life, a control group was selected – healthy men of reproductive age.
    R e s u l t s . The frequency of sexual dysfunctions in both groups is significantly increasing, but the frequency of their detection in men receiving treatment is 2,4 times lower than in the other group. An increase in neurological changes and hormonal disorders was recorded, the prevalence of which depends on the duration of observation and the availability of therapeutic measures. The study proved that the BFSDS have a significant impact on the quality of life of men, especially in the physical and psychological components of health. It was shown that the treatment allowed the patients to preserve the state of physical and, to a greater extent, psychological comfort during the five-year observation period.
    I n c o n c l u s i o n , the authors emphasize the need for new approaches to the organization of observation and correction of the minor BFSDS.

    Authors: Pozdeeva T.  V. [4] Borodacheva I. V. [1] Artemenko A. G. [1] Pogodina T. G. [1] Abanin A. M. [1] Artifeksov S. B. [1]

    Tags: borderline functional states of the reproductive system1 cognitive-behavioral therapy1 hormonal changes1 manifestations of neurasthenia1 quality of life8 sexual dysfunctions1

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